- Foreign Languages
- Spanish Vocabulary
Spanish Vocabulary
Are you studying Spanish for school, business or just for fun? On this site you will find free interactive quizzes that will test your knowledge and even help you improve your Spanish vocabulary.
Many of the quizzes come with sound clips recorded by a native Spanish speaker. Listen carefully, try to imitate the correct pronunciation and you'll be well on your way to mastering modern Spanish.
You can take each quiz as many times as you like. Then return to this site the next day and compare your results. Practice makes perfect!
Basic Phrases
Starting a conversation in Spanish? Knowing key phrases makes it easier! If someone says ¿Cómo estás?, you can reply with “Bien, gracias.” Let’s practice essential expressions to help you sound more natural in Spanish!
Describing People
Tall or short, funny or serious—how would you describe someone in Spanish? If your friend has blue eyes, you could say Tiene ojos azules. Let’s explore words to describe people and make your Spanish more expressive!
Movies, music, sports—what do you do for fun? If you love movies, you might say Me gusta el cine. Let’s test your Spanish entertainment vocabulary and make learning fun!
Family is everything! Whether it’s una abuela (grandmother) or un hermano (brother), knowing family words helps in everyday conversations. Let’s test your knowledge of Spanish family vocabulary!
Getting There
Lost in a new city? Knowing travel phrases helps! If you need directions, you can ask ¿Dónde está la estación? (Where is the station?). Let’s test your transportation vocabulary and make sure you get where you need to go!
Feeling great? Knowing health-related words in Spanish is important! If you ever have a dolor de cabeza, you might need some rest. Let’s go over key terms to talk about health and wellness.
What do you want to be when you grow up—¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? Whether it’s un médico saving lives or un maestro shaping minds, jobs are a big part of life. Let’s see how many Spanish occupation words you know. ¡A trabajar!
Home sweet home! Whether you‘re in the kitchen, living room, or bedroom, knowing the right words makes life easier. Can you guess where you’d find a nevera? That’s right—it’s in the kitchen! Let’s explore more household vocabulary and make your Spanish feel like home.
Spanish is useful in the workplace! Whether you’re talking about meetings, emails, or coworkers, business vocabulary is key. If you need an invoice, you’d ask for a factura. Let’s sharpen your professional Spanish skills!
The world is full of color! Can you describe your favorite things in Spanish? The sky is azul, the grass is verde, and the sun is amarillo. Let’s add some color to your Spanish vocabulary!
Can you count in Spanish? Whether you‘re talking about prices, phone numbers, or time, numbers are everywhere! For example, 25 is veinticinco. Let’s see how well you know your números en español!
Time for class! Whether you‘re talking about books, teachers, or subjects, school vocabulary is essential. Do you know what a mochila is? That’s right—it’s a backpack! Let’s dive into the world of Spanish school words and get ready to ace this quiz.
Ready to go shopping in Spanish? Whether you‘re buying clothes, food, or souvenirs, knowing the right words helps! If you want to ask the price, just say ¿Cuánto cuesta?. Let’s fill our vocabulary cart with useful shopping terms.
Time flies when you‘re having fun! But can you talk about time in Spanish? From hours to days and months, let’s test your skills. Do you know how to say “quarter past three”? It’s tres y cuarto. Ready to master more time-related words? Let’s go!
Spanish False Cognates 1
Vocabulary Games
A little about the Spanish language.
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken world languages. About 400 million people speak Spanish as their first language. It is the official language in over 20 countries. It dominates South and Central America, is the language of Mexico and of course Spain. Tens of millions of people in the US speak Spanish, read Spanish newspapers and watch TV in Spanish.
The great news about Spanish is that it is one of the easiest languages for an English speaker to learn. A lot of Spanish words are very similar to their English counterparts because of common Latin roots. Just go to any Spanish - language website and you will immediately recognize many words and will probably even understand a couple of Spanish phrases without taking a single lesson.
Spanish is a Romance language. Italian, Portuguese, and French also belong to this group; therefore even basic knowledge of Spanish can give you a strong head start in learning these popular languages in the future. Of course, if you already know another Romance language, it can be helpful in mastering Spanish.