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  • New York

    New York City is known for its iconic Statue of Liberty, the beautiful Central Park, the Madison Square Garden and many other fantastic tourist destinations. One would surely never run out of things to do and places to see.

    Discover more amazing facts about New York when you answer the quizzes below. Each quiz is about a top tourist attraction in New York City. So test your knowledge on how well you know the city that never sleeps!

    Central Park
    topic grades type steps
    Central Park5+11

    Chrysler Building
    topic grades type steps
    Chrysler Building5+12

    Empire State Building
    topic grades type steps
    Empire State Building5+12

    Flatiron Building
    topic grades type steps
    Flatiron Building5+13

    Madison Square Garden
    topic grades type steps
    Madison Square Garden5+10

    Museum of Modern Art
    topic grades type steps
    Museum of Modern Art5+9

    New York Stock Exchange
    topic grades type steps
    New York Stock Exchange5+10

    The Statue of Liberty
    topic grades type steps
    The Statue of Liberty5+11

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